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Crystal Week Oracle Reading

To have a little fun for Witch with Me’s Crystal Week, I offered an oracle reading with my Lavish Earth deck. This is the reveal and the reading for each card, so dive in and discover the messages awaiting you.

The big reveal

Card one - Feather - Included quartz

Work on your stuff, or your stuff will work on you. - Steven Forrest

I really love this card and crystal message for everything going on astrologically right now, specifically the trio of planets currently in retrograde. The Included Quartz appears to contain a whole different world held within its depths. You, too, have an entire world deep inside of you, and this card is asking you to dive deep. Make the time and space to go beyond the surface and discover what revelations come through to aide in your growth and transformation. This crystal also gives you the gifts of strength and energy for your journey of self discovery. Pay close attention to the messages that come through during meditation and in your dreams.

Keywords: Meditation, Dream Work, Transformation, and Growth

Card two - flowers - fuchsite

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared with what lies within us. - Oliver Wendell Holmes

This crystal reminds you that clarity comes from connecting your head and your heart. It can be all too easy to get caught up in our thoughts, and forget to check in with our heart and intuition. When you can bring the two together, you’ll discover the inspiration you’ve been searching for. This would be a great time to do some work to clear your heart chakra, so the energy can move freely between your head and heart. Trust your gut more, and don’t overthink everything.

Keywords: Feelings, Emotions, Clarity, Heart

Card three - sea shells - scolecite

With a stout heart, even a mouse can lift an elephant. - Tibetan proverb

You have the support and protection you need from your ancestors as you’re moving on to the next step of your journey. Scolecite brings the gift of an ancient system to provide a solid foundation for future success. You’re moving into alignment and into your purpose offering a strong sense of balance in your endeavors. If you’ve been feeling wiped out lately, this is a message of comfort for what lies ahead. You’ll be feeling more grounded and rooted in your purpose moving forward.

Keywords: alignment, nervous system, foundation

I’d love to know what resonated with you. Drop a comment below if you’re open to sharing!

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