The Magick Makers

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Embracing Your Shadow Tarot Spread

As we begin to enter the darker half of the year, we’re often called to explore our shadows. There’s a tendency in the spiritual space to talk about our shadows as something that we need to “overcome” or “banish.” 

I have a very different view of working with our shadows. I believe they are truths within us that we have a hard time accepting for one reason or another. Maybe our society has taught us that we should be ashamed of certain parts of ourselves or any host of experiences during our lifetimes may have told us we needed to tuck a certain part of ourselves away. 

Our goal is not to get rid of our shadows but to embrace them. Our shadows are as much a part of who we are as our light, and they both need love and attention. Both hold lessons for us. The shadow aspect of ourselves is not necessarily negative either. It may just be something that we need to face and reflect on so we can continue expanding and growing.

1. What part of myself needs to be acknowledged?

2. How was this aspect of myself formed?

3. How does it manifest in my daily life?

4. How can I embody this part of myself in a healthy manner?

5. A message from my shadow.

This spread is an excerpt from SPELLbook: Autumn 2021 Edition. SPELLbook is a quarterly publication published by The Magick Makers to help you embrace the magick of the season. You can purchase your copy here.