Magick Makers

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Gemini Season Symboscopes

Introducing a new kind of horoscope. I wanted to marry my love for all things signs and symbols with divination. Every month, I’ll be meditating on each astrological sign to ask for a symbol. I’ll share messages and insights to help guide you through that season based on the symbol that comes through. Check out the scopes for your sun, moon, and rising placements.


Sun. This is an especially lovely energy to have as an ally during this eclipse season. Tap into this powerhouse of energy to bring clarity to your day-to-day life. Allow the sun’s golden rays to shine a light on areas that need your reflection. Gifts of illumination and expansion are yours this season. It’s time to let your light shine outwardly. This is an invitation to return to yourself this season. Connect with your higher self and root into who you truly are. Allow the sun’s radiance to guide you on this journey of reflection.

Mantra: I am radiant and powerful. Reflection leads to my expansion and evolution.


Swan. You may find your emotions bubbling up a bit this season, along with a higher sensitivity to the feelings of those around you. The swan is associated with the dreamers, poets, and mystics among us - strongly linked to your intuition and moods. Let your intuition guide you as you harness the power of your voice this season - knowing when to remain silent and when to speak up. Swan offers you grace, beauty, and strength as you navigate your watery depths.

Mantra: I embody grace in my becoming and discover beauty in my emotional depths.


Wind. You’re fully embracing your season by staying at home within your element of air. In several cultures, wind acts as the divine messenger. While unseen, it carries immense power. Remember that even when you may feel powerless, you possess the kind of strength that can bring buildings crashing to the ground or breathe life into the universe. This season invites you to explore how you move within your own powerful energy.

Mantra: I remain flexible while rooting into my innate strength.


Frog. You’re being invited to rediscover your creative life force this season. Have you been getting a little too invested in the mundane aspects of your life? Drowning in your day-to-day tasks? Frog is here to bring in some fresh creative waters. Tap into your creativity through music and the arts. Allow the springs of inspiration to wash away any lingering stagnant energy. Frog lives both on the land and in the water, offering you the ability to harness both earth and water energy at this time leading to creative growth.

Mantra: I am an endless source of creative energy. Flowing with the universal currents.


Triple Bar. You’re exploring your connection with others and the inherent equality of all living beings this season—pretty heady stuff. The triple bar represents symmetry, the trinity, and equivalence. Be careful of “keeping tabs” in your relationships this season. As humans, we have a tendency to want to keep score of what rights and wrongs have been done to us. Reflecting on what genuine empathy looks like and how you apply the golden rule may offer you some valuable insights into yourself and your relationships.

Mantra: I am a reflection of what I’d like to receive and honor my connection with others.


Dragonfly. This Gemini season and the accompanying eclipses are the culmination of two years of transformation. What cycle began for you two years ago? Spend this season examining your life and how you’ve transformed. Dragonfly invites you to take a less logical, pragmatic approach. Sink into your heart space this season and explore the transformative power of your emotions. A breath of fresh air is breezing into your emotional life, offering you a new perspective.

Mantra: I trust my emotions to guide me to new worlds and ways of existing.


Cougar. We love this symbol for you, Libra! Cougar is all about coming into your own power, especially with the upcoming eclipses. Keep in mind that not everyone currently in your life will be happy to see you stand in your power. And to them, we say, “Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.” Anytime we experience an awakening, it’s normal to go through a shedding. It’s time to take charge of your life and your circumstances.

Mantra: I move in graceful power. I am the master of my world.


Penguin. You can navigate your dream world and the astral plane skillfully this season. Penguin invites you to soar beneath the waters of this world to connect with your energetic body. Their ability to leap out of the water up to six feet parallels your ability to leave your physical body. Through your journeys to the otherworld, you’ll chart the course in your earthly world as well.

Mantra: I courageously journey to the depths of my consciousness, revealing my own wisdom.


Laurel Wreath. If the laurel wreath was a tarot card, it would be the Six of Wands. Regardless of your current situation, you’re going to emerge victorious this season. It’s a symbol of success, achievement, fame, and prosperity. The obstacles you’ve overcome in recent months have brought to you this current moment, and you wouldn’t have gotten here without them. Trust that you are protected, and your hard work will be rewarded.

Mantra: I deserve the abundance, success, and opportunities offered by the universe.


Firefly. Divine timing has been at play for you, dear Cappie. The right conditions are essential to manifesting your most potent magic. You’re entering your season of magic. Now it’s up to you to let that light shine brightly, so you can attract all that you desire. You can’t bring in what you want by hiding your light. Focus on the positives in your situation, and allow your joy and gratitude to radiate from your heart. Don’t underestimate your own power or what the universe has planned for you.

Mantra: I am confident in my magic and safe in sharing my light with the world.


Tall Pine. You’re being offered perspective this season. Be careful of playing the comparison game. It will rob you of your joy and individuality. Instead, focus on what YOU will create in this lifetime. You have your own way of doing things, Aquarius, and that is a gift. Reach for your own stars, and know that you are whole and complete and worthy. Tap into your manifestation skills to bring your dream world into the material world.

Mantra: I fearlessly embrace my most genuine self and boldly live my story.


Wishbone. You are in complete control of your luck, sweet Pisces. Just the same, the universe is offering you a healthy dose of strength, stability, and hope this season. Your gift of sight is especially strong right now - even for you. Pay attention to your visions as they’ll give you glimpses into the future and help you reach your fullest potential. There is even more within you wishing to be revealed. This is both about what you’re able to offer to those around you and what you’ll receive.

Mantra: I possess the power to create my own luck and make wishes come true.