The Magick Makers

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Leo Season Symboscopes

Introducing a new kind of horoscope. I wanted to marry my love for all things signs and symbols with divination. Every month, I’ll be meditating on each astrological sign to ask for a symbol. I’ll share messages and insights to help guide you through that season based on the symbol that comes through. Check out the scopes for your sun, moon, and rising placements.


Slug. Leo season ushers in the beginning of a new spiritual journey for you, Aries. You’re being asked to be patient with yourself and the journey as it begins. Slug reminds you of the importance of crawling before you walk, and one day it will be time to run. Trying to force momentum at this time will only cause delays and frustration. Embrace this pause, and learn to move with divine timing. Your spiritual and psychic powers are strengthened at this time.

Mantra: I press pause. In the interim, I discover my wholeness. I persevere.


Venus flytrap. Your instincts and intuition are guiding you to the right place at the right time this season, dear Taurus. Venus flytrap reminds you of the power in waiting for the right moment. By acting at the right time, you’re able to see what is actually worth your energy this season. You may find that your dreams hold prophetic visions and messages to guide you. When the time comes to act, there will be no question. Trust yourself. Trust your inner knowing.

Mantra: My energy is sacred. I seize opportunities when the time is right.


Palm tree. You’re continuing to unfold in all of your complexity, dear Gemini. An androgynous symbol, Palm tree represents the energies of both divine counterparts and every variation in between. There is a balance in this union of polarity that provides you with a sense of wholeness. This season represents a coming home of sorts as you return to your divine nature. You may rediscover aspects of yourself that have been suppressed for years. This is a season of allowing your light to shine in its entirety.

Mantra: Wholly balanced, I embrace and unify my polarities. I am an alchemist of self.


Gorilla. Strength comes in many forms, dear Cancer. The wise Gorilla embodies physical, emotional, and intellectual might; reminding you that you possess stores of strength in your gentle nature. This season invites you to explore your own power however it presents itself. A sense of self and dignity will unfold as you embrace your inner strength. You may also find joy and fulfillment by putting time and energy into deepening your relationships with those you love.

Mantra: I possess the strength of mind, body, and soul. I hold wisdom and dignity in my gentle nature.


Hibiscus. Your birthday season is bringing the attention you love, fabulous Leo. The ephemeral Hibiscus flower reminds you that every moment of our existence is sacred. Bask in the radiance and awe this season brings you. You’ll have the ability to see the beauty around every corner - even recognizing the wonder of the challenges you may face along your journey. Your gifts of attraction are especially high this season, and you’ll find that manifestation comes easier than usual. Be mindful of how you use this power.

Mantra: I am radiance embodied. I bring light and joy everywhere go.


Lantern. When you are in need of guidance, dear Virgo, you can always turn to your inner light. We each carry our own lantern within our soul that serves as our guide and compass. When we are uncertain or feeling pressure, we can always turn to that light for clarity. You will always find your way to the right path for you. This is a symbol of hope and a reminder that nothing that is meant for you will pass you by. Happiness lies ahead of you, and you’ll achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Mantra: I am the light. I am the power. My spirit illuminates my purpose.


Bat. You are entering a period of initiation and transformation, dear Libra. Like the Bat that is reborn each evening from its home within the earth, we experience many awakenings and new beginnings over our lifetimes. As with any major changes, you will need to let go of certain aspects of yourself in order to grow. You’ll find yourself more aware of your surroundings offering gifts of perception. Have confidence in yourself and trust your intuition. They will support you through the journey ahead. With Bat as your guide this month, you may notice heightened clairaudient abilities.

Mantra: I adapt to my new existence with ease and grace. I am reborn.


Witch ball. Protect your energy this season, dear Scorpio. In most lore, a witch ball was used to ward off and/or capture evil spirits to prevent harm. Be mindful of how you’re spending your energy, and what you’re allowing in - this includes what you consume mentally and emotionally. Holding boundaries can be uncomfortable (especially if you’re new to it), but they are important to your overall well-being. These balls are also used for divination in more modern practices, so it’s a great time for reflection and receiving messages from your spirit team. You may want to try scrying to tap into intuitive insights.

Mantra: I control where my energy flows. I hold my boundaries as an act of love and respect.


Heart. You are meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic, and blessings, sweet Sagittarius. Follow the activities and paths that bring your soul to life. What is it that really gets your blood pumping (in a good way)? Look for that feeling and allow it to guide you on your path. Hold compassion for yourself as you continue on this journey exploring all that life has to offer you. Listen to what your heart has to say, and allow your mind to obey its desires. Your dreams and intuition will serve you well during this cycle.

Mantra: I walk a path full of passion, purpose, and magic. My heart leads the way.


Raven. The gifts of sight, wisdom, and mysticism are yours this season, brave Capricorn. Raven invites you to take an apologetic attitude when it comes to existing in and expressing your truest form. When you unveil your inner depths, you bring your wholeness into the light - into the consciousness. In learning to embrace all sides of self, you’ll find the ability to stand confidently in your unconventional nature. The opinions of others will no longer matter to you. You have the ability to shapeshift into whatever you want to be. This season is all about being who you want to be - not what others want you to be. You were born to stand out, dear one. Don’t shrink to others’ expectations.

Mantra: I unapologetically express my true self. I was born to stand out.


Mountain peak. You have been on a path of self-discovery and evolution this year, wise Aquarius. This season you’ll see your hard work and perseverance reach a peak. The mountain’s top offers divine inspiration and connection. You will feel a shift in your awareness that gives you a new perspective on your life and how you fit into the web of the universe. Sparks of creativity will fuel your soul and bring mental clarity. Any challenges you’ve faced leading up to this point brought you to this moment and have allowed you to know yourself. Embrace this change and celebrate how far you’ve journeyed to get here.

Mantra: I am divinely connected in my transcendence. Through clarity, I create new worlds within and without.


Whirlpool. This sacred vessel is created when opposing currents come together. Even amidst the semblance of turbulence, there is a universal force at play here, dear Pisces. You’re going through a dynamic and powerful transformation this season. Your actions may feel chaotic and unproductive on the surface level, but with each spiral, you are ascending. Your identity within the universe and higher consciousness are unfolding with each twist and turn. As you learn to harness this energy, you’ll find renewed energy and creativity.

Mantra: I am a powerful force of nature. As I spiral, I ascend and awaken.