Magick Makers

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Lughnasadh Collective Reading

Decided it was time for another collective reading for the upcoming Lughnasadh/Lammas season. If you haven’t already, pick your pile and dive on into your messages. These all have serious seasonal vibes - lots of abundance all around.

The big reveal

Pile One

King of Pentacles

You have been doing the damn work, and you’re reaping the benefits of all that you have sown. The King of Pentacles is big abundance energy.

This is a time to trust your gut and recognize that you possess the knowledge and expertise necessary to make the best decisions for your life. Your vision is clear and you’re acting in alignment with both your head and your heart.

Working with your hands and connecting with the earth will continue to draw this powerful energy to you. Pay special attention to your animal guides that come through at this time.


Your past shaped you into the amazing person you’ve become. It’s your past that brought you to this moment. You’ve released what no longer serves your greatest good, yet you continue to carry the lessons with you.

This signals that you’re moving into living with intention. You’ve shifted into a more conscious existence by releasing your fears and any feels of being stuck. Your spark has returned, and this will be a truly golden season for you.

pile two


During this season, you’ll want to be conscious of how you think, speak, and act. This is a time to be honest with yourself.

Keep in mind there are no wrong or right decisions - only actions and reactions. Be sure to consider the cause and effect of how you’re moving through life this season. Come from a place of alignment with your truth and your heart.

Trust that Justice is working in your favor. She brings calm to the chaos and gifts you the ability to see the true nature of people and situations.


Bat medicine can be challenging but in the most beautiful way. They signal a season of rebirth and transformation for you. Remember that changes are blessings initiated by ourselves. Be open to the power that resides within you. Bat offers the gift of adaptability and the ability to navigate both the dark and the light. Pay close attention to auditory and visual messages from Spirit.

Similar to the Justice card, Bat brings discernment and an aptitude for reading other people and cutting through the shit. Listen as much to what’s not being said as what is being said. Trust your instincts.

Pile Three

three of cups

In the immortal words of Wayne & Garth, “Party time! Excellent!” The Three of Cups is all about celebration and joy. You are likely feeling super grateful for everything you have in life, and Spirit is giving you a proverbial cheers.

You may have recently received some good news that calls for celebration or you may just be riding the waves of abundance. Your cup is overflowing, so it’s a wonderful time to share your gifts with other.

This is some serious “treat yo self” energy, so really do it up when it comes to food and drink. It’s important to remember that there are times in life when it as just as important to celebrate and be joyful as it is to do the work. Take advantage of this energy and surround yourself with friends and community (safely). This joyous time is contributing to your emotional growth. You are worthy of abundant, radiant joy.


What a gift on top of the Three of Cups!? Firefly brings another message of pure, radiant joy and divine inspiration. This could also be a sign of good news to come or recently received.

They bring the gift of wonder and recognizing the magick in our every day. They spark our creativity and our joy, so this is a lovely time for any creative endeavors. They’re here to remind you of the fire that exists in your soul, and that the magick you seek is already within you. Let your light shine and attract all that you desire.

I’d love to know what resonated with you. Drop a comment below if you’re open to sharing!