The Magick Makers

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November + December Symboscopes

You may notice that the Symboscopes have transformed ever so slightly. Below you’ll find a channeled symbol, message, and affirmation for the collective.

The horoscopes are now designated by element, so you can read messages for the symbols that correspond to your sun, moon, and rising like before or you could look at the element(s) that is the most prevalent in your chart. You can even allow your intuition to guide you to the symbol that resonates with you the most.

Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

You’ll be able to find your symbol and an affirmation below. If you’d like your full horoscope, you can join us in the community for as little as $5/month OR you can purchase the monthly Symboscopes in the online shop here. These include your monthly messages, correspondences for the symbols, tarot prompts, journal prompts, and rituals to embrace the medicine of your monthly guides.

Collective Symboscope: Salamander

This symbol appeared to me in a dream, and my guides pushed the importance of this message for the collective. 

One consistent theme that's been coming through in many symbols over the past few months is duality. These fantastical creatures are tied to both water/lunar and fire/solar energies. While there may be plenty of black and white in our world, the gray areas take up much more space in between. Salamander invites you to explore your polarities and the entire spectrum of your identity. 

A powerful symbol of rebirth, renewal, and regrowth there are some major ties to our current season. Salamanders have the ability to regrow tails and limbs that are lost reminding us that we have the ability within us to create what we need in our lives. This is a great time to examine the resources you already have available to you. How can you put those to work in your life to manifest your desires? 

The themes of regeneration and rebirth also remind us that every new beginning comes from something's end. Nothing is truly ever lost but we may witness old thoughts and habits transforming into something new that better serves us on our path ahead. What can you release to make way for new growth in your life? 

Change is the one constant we can be sure of in our lives. We have the choice to fight the changes in which case we will certainly be dragged into our new existence unwillingly OR we can lean into the changes ahead of us. No matter how uncomfortable the change may feel at the time, we often look back on times of change with clarity. We recognize the necessity of these evolutions for our progress. This energy aligns beautifully with the current eclipse season which began with the partial lunar eclipse in Taurus on 11/19. 

Now is a good time to spend in reflection. Get clear around who you are, your values, and what you want from your life and relationships. These eclipses will bring a lot of revelations in these areas to the forefront. 

Affirmations by Element


I am the strength of the journey.

Fire Signs: Tree of Life
(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

I experience miracles through sacred connection.

Earth Signs: Harbor Seal
(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

I flow with inspiration and creativity.

Air Signs: Yellow Warbler
(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

My voice is strong and vibrant. My story matters.

Water Signs Signs: Hour Glass
(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Every experience holds a gift. I trust my journey.