Magick Makers

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Taurus Season Symboscopes

Check out Gemini Season Symboscopes here.

Introducing a new kind of horoscope. I wanted to marry my love for all things signs and symbols with divination. Every month, I’ll be meditating on each astrological sign to ask for a sign or symbol. Based on the symbol that comes through, I’ll share messages and insights to help guide you through that season.

Aries & Aries Rising

Fish Symbol. During my symboscope meditation, the symbol for the fish came through for my Aries bbs. While this symbol is most notably associated with Christianity in current times, you can ask any pagan or modern witch and they’ll be happy to tell you this pre-dates Christianity and was used as a symbol of the goddess and fertility in many ancient traditions. How are you nurturing yourself this season? Are you embracing the mother goddess within you? (This is not about gender but about the divine feminine energy in all of us.) This is a wonderful time for you to dive into creative projects. Find time for rest and pleasure as a way to move into balance.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

White Butterfly. As I began my meditation for Taurus, a white butterfly danced back and forth just outside the window. There are many phases we go through during a transformation. You’ve found peace and joy in the process of this change in self. You’ve learned to trust yourself and the universe as you’ve worked through this becoming. Have confidence in the divine timing of your transformation and focus as much on the process as you do on the destination. White butterflies also serve as guides between the worlds. Guiding souls from this existence to the next. Who you were before has experienced a death of sorts, and you’ve manifested a spiritual rebirth. Transitions and up-leveling deserve celebration. It’s time to celebrate who you were and who you have become.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Birds of Paradise. This gorgeous flower and plant is a reminder that we can find heaven here on earth. After overcoming some recent obstacles, you will come out triumphant this season. The challenges you faced guided you to this well-deserved success. Take a moment to appreciate how far you’ve come, recognize the work you’ve put in, and find the joy in your situation. This bright outlook will help you realize a newfound sense of freedom. You can lay your worries to rest, and trust that you have everything you need to succeed. Positive energy is in abundance around you and your efforts. It’s time to spread your wings and soar.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Seagull. With a shift in your perspective, you’ll find that there are opportunities all around you. Seagull reminds us that there are possibilities in everything - especially in the most surprising places. Even in moments of feeling stuck, there is a purpose to that energy. Why are you being asked to take a pause? What other resources are around you that you may not have recognized? You are in this time and place for a reason. This season is inviting you to work through your mental and physical clutter. It’s a good time to let go of the thoughts and things that are not serving you. In that process of release, you’ll discover clues that lead you to the resources already present in your life. Trust your instincts.

Leo & Leo Rising

Ivy. This plant is the ultimate survivor and connector. She weaves a vast network of vines representing your own deep network of connections, dear Leo. You may find relationships with others growing even stronger over the course of this season. Even under adverse conditions, you stand by your friends and they stand by you. There’s beauty to your relationships as you celebrate your differences as much as you celebrate your similarities with those around you. The bonds you’ve formed serve as a source of growth and renewal for your spirit. They’re bringing in new, unexpected opportunities that lead to your expansion.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Fluorite. You’ll find that this season offers you a new sense of clarity. The gifts of fluorite serve you well in a decision you have to make. You’ll have a heightened sense of awareness, and the ability to see through to the truth of the matter. Be confident in your decision-making abilities. Your intuition is guiding you to the choice that serves your highest and greatest good. Your focus and logical approach help you maintain balance. Find ways to ground yourself this season. Spending time in nature and away from electronics will serve you well.

Libra & Libra Rising

Square. This season is inviting you to come back down to earth. The square often represents the earth while the circle represents the spiritual world. Rooting into the physical world brings a sense of stability and security to your inner worlds. This is a beneficial time for planning as the square also invites you to look at your foundations. Once you have a solid plan, you can begin to build and manifest your desires in the material world. Use this symbol as an anchor as you continue to build structures around your dreams.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Octopus. Veiled in mystery, you’ll feel right at home with the energy of this symbol. Blending into your surroundings and flying on the radar will offer you the opportunity to tap into your own psyche this season. It is a wonderful time to explore your own mental and emotional depths. Since Octopus usually dwells on the ocean floor, you’ll find that you have the ability to remain grounded as you explore your more watery, spiritual side. Allow yourself the freedom and flexibility to explore new sides of yourself. We are constantly changing, growing, evolving, and moving. Enjoy the fluidity of this process, and go with the flow.

Sagittarius & Sagitarius Rising

Bear. It’s time to find your joy in the simplest places this season, dear Sag. Bear reminds you to find pleasure in the simplest moments whether that’s enjoying your morning coffee or basking in the sunshine on a spring day. You can find happiness and satisfaction in the smallest of moments if you’re looking for them. Chasing the next, big thing can leave you in a state of chaos. It’s time to retreat into a simpler life at this moment in time. Learn to embrace your own duality in these more mindful moments. The time for action will come again, but for now, find balance in rest.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

House Wren. As a fellow Cappie, I know how much we love tradition. Free-spirited Wren invites you to break out of your traditional ways of doing things and to explore a fresh and innovative approach. You may find that your new approach leads to more consistent and efficient progress. These tiny, sociable birds also remind you that you have a support system around you. Your circle wants to return the kindness you offer to the world. You don’t have to do this alone. The quality of the relationships you’ve built is as much a marker of success as your material gains.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Arrow. Don’t lose focus now, Aquarius. Your mind is sharp and you have your eye on your target. Arrow gifts you the ability to stay true to your current path. It may feel like everything is moving fast as you carry on towards your goal, but you have the strength you need to keep up the pace. Pay attention to your thoughts, dreams, and visions this season. Your guides and angels are sending you signs and symbols to help guide you on this journey towards your goal. You’ll reach it before you know it.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Crescent Moon. What are you giving birth to this season, Pisces? This symbol is made for you veiled in mystery, magic, and the divine feminine. In ancient times, the spiritual leaders of different cultures looked for that first sliver of the new moon to reappear - marking a new beginning each time she’s reborn. You may be feeling a sense of rebirth yourself. Your intuition is heightened and serves as a source of power for you. Tap into it and the divine guidance that it offers. Allow her light to guide and inspire you to live your best life.