Big. Huge. Huge changes coming to this little corner studio of The Magick Makers.

Get your scroll on to a learn a little bit about the foundation aforementioned changes were built on. Sign up with your email directly below to learn about new resources coming for my kindred entrepreneurs.

The Magick Works

Bewitching brand strategy, design, and content for witches, magick makers, cunning folk, healers, and dreamers.

At the heart of branding and marketing, you’ll find they are actually about how you connect with people. Moreover how you connect with YOUR people - what I like to call your charmed circle. When you share your story in a way that aligns with your purpose, you’ll attract your circle of customers, clients, and fans. Connecting with your charmed circle is good for your heart and your business.


Offerings to help you

Cast Your Spell


What my clients say…

I have experienced her ability to guide a client in uncovering what they want through a compassionate, directed process that brings clarity to the vision; and a framework to the process that I didn't have. 

She has the ability to not only do what needs to be done but to guide the process in a way that has made the task feel less overwhelming all while allowing me to have choice within the framework.

-Rachel Burwell, The Savvy Sage