Cancer Season Symboscopes


Introducing a new kind of horoscope. I wanted to marry my love for all things signs and symbols with divination. Every month, I’ll be meditating on each astrological sign to ask for a symbol. I’ll share messages and insights to help guide you through that season based on the symbol that comes through. Check out the scopes for your sun, moon, and rising placements.



Mosquito. Have your emotions felt, well, stagnant lately? It’s time to stir some feelings up a bit especially if you’ve been stuck in a cycle of negative feelings. Allow yourself the space to process, and release them when you’re ready. The mosquito can help you here because they are born of water which rules over our emotions. During their larvae stage, they are able to filter out the impurities in their watery environment. Is it time to clear and purify your own energy? Cancer season can make us vulnerable with all its watery energy. You may want to take regular spiritual baths during this season.

Mantra: I refresh my energy. I clear my heart and my mind.


Cobra. Evolution and transformation are constant. Snake in general regularly sheds its skin leaving behind what is no longer needed. You’re continuing your transformation and releasing the final pieces of the former you allowing you to move forward. In times of transformation, it’s important to protect your energy. Cobra is fiercely protective of itself and its family. It is the only snake that builds a nest to lay its eggs, and she guards her home until the hatchlings have emerged. Cobra also reminds you of how potent your venom is - choose wisely when to use it.

Mantra: I am safe. I am protected. I expand.


Toadstool. How are you embracing the sacred in your daily life? Mushrooms, and specifically Toadstools, have long been used in shamanic practices across cultures thanks to their hallucinogenic properties. You may want to explore magick, witchcraft, and the occult this season. Toadstool may also be hinting at some rapid changes that you’ve experienced recently or that will be coming your way over the course of the month. With its connection to the spirit world, you’re invited to spend time in mediation or prayer to receive messages from the other side.

Mantra: I embrace my sacred nature. I am grounded in my earthly body as I explore the otherworld.


Candy-Striped Leafhopper. Happy birthday, dear Cancer. It’s your season and you’re shining brighter than ever. The Candy-Striped Leafhopper sports brilliant shades of blue and red/pink - colors not common among insects. All eyes are on you this month, so get ready for the spotlight. Even if you’re not usually a fan of being the center of intention, this month you may find yourself feeling a little differently. Share your sweet nature with the world and enjoy the colorful world around you.

Mantra: I shine bright and paint my existence with all the colors of my soul.


Waves. The ocean’s waves offer a kind of consistency. There will always be one following the next. A neverending source of flow. There is abundance coming your way this month, Leo. Trust that the waves will carry it to you when the time is right. Wait for your wave, and seize the opportunity. The waves I saw for you were calm reminding you to move with divine timing and spend time in gentle stillness to receive additional guidance.

Mantra: I trust the timing of my life, and I flow with abundance.


Oak. The symbolism of the Oak is filled with magick, ritual, and ancient ways. Tap into the nurturing, generous, and helpful nature embodied by this grand tree. You’re being invited to share your strength and knowledge in support of those who are in need. You may be drawn to exploring your own roots and ancestry this season. How are your ancestors guiding you? How you can incorporate the ancient practices of your people into your modern life?

Mantra: I walk tall and strong rooted in the eternal support of my ancestors.


Opal. Also known as “water stones” due to the large proportion of water in its makeup compared to other stones, Opal is strongly tied to our emotions and intuition which is beautifully aligned with the watery energy of Cancer season. This characteristic also makes them especially nice for emotional healing. You may find that deep-seated feelings come to the surface this month. Opal invites you to spend time exploring those emotions, face their source, and set them free with love.

Mantra: I allow the layers of my emotional healing to unfold.


Black Hollyhock. You were born to stand out, dear Scorpio. It’s time to stop shrinking yourself to make others comfortable. Hollyhocks are known for their height often drawing immediate attention in a garden as they tower over other flowers. They also have the ability to thrive in settings where many other plants would not. Allow yourself space to grow even if you’re currently in an environment that doesn’t seem conducive to your growth. Explore working with the sun this season as hollyhocks thrive in full sun and are drought resistant.

Mantra: I trust my resilience and celebrate my dramatic nature. I was born to stand out.


Deer. Be gentle with yourself this season, sweet Sagittarius. A fresh version of yourself has been awakened recently, and you’re being drawn to new adventures. Examine these new paths that call to you. Are you forcing it? Are others? This is a time for gentle movement forward. Take time to explore the opportunities available to you before fully committing to an adventure. Take good care of yourself this season and watch how your love opens new doors.

Mantra: I surround myself with love as I embark on new adventures.


Rhubarb. You’ll find healing in commitment and fidelity this season. Not necessarily specific to love, but it could be! You can also find healing in committing to yourself and being faithful to your true nature. Known for its bitterness, Rhubarb reminds you to take the good with the bad. It was long used as a diuretic. Lean on this aspect of the plant to release any bitterness or negative energy. Accept the healing energy of this plant ally.

Mantra: I am committed to myself, my care, and my positive momentum.


Rose Quartz. Your relationships are experiencing a sense of harmony and balance this season, Aquarius. The energy of Rose Quartz and Cancer season is encouraging you to tap into your compassionate, nourishing side. Any mistrust or suspicion you have had for those around you seemingly melts away. As you learn to fully embrace and love yourself, you discover a newfound sense of faith in humanity and the abundance in love itself.

Mantra: I overflow with energies of love, trust, and compassion.


Columbine. The symbolism of the small, sweet flower is expansive. You are loved and supported, Pisces. Share your abundance of support with those around you who are in need. You’ll find what you offer to others returns to you tenfold. Columbine also represents entrances to our earthly realm from the spirit world. If you’ve been spending a lot of time in your dream world or the spirit world, this is an invitation to focus more on your material world and body.

Mantra: My spirit is supported by the earth, rooted in love and abundance.


Leo Season Symboscopes


Moontails: Gemini New Moon Vertigo Cocktail