the magick works notebook

Your source for building an authentic, spiritually-centered business.

Branding Erin Harker | The Magick Makers Branding Erin Harker | The Magick Makers

Are you ready to own your magick?

I’m sharing this Own Your Magick Challenge as a sort of community ritual to help us explore our paths and purposes offering a solid foundation as we continue to move into the year. The Own Your Magick Challenge is for you if…

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Branding, Marketing Strategy Erin Harker | The Magick Makers Branding, Marketing Strategy Erin Harker | The Magick Makers

Doing the Work: How you might be hurting your brand and your business

I’ve seen this with clients, companies I’ve worked for, and from generally observing businesses in the wild. Instead of doing the work of figuring out their own voice and identity, businesses will see a shiny brand that they perceive to be successful and begin copying from their content and strategy.

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Erin Harker | The Magick Makers Erin Harker | The Magick Makers

What's happening in January?

Check out what we have coming up this month in our community for esoteric businesses and creators.

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