September Collective Reading

This month has a lot to do with our support networks, building community, and trusting ourselves.


Bottom of the Deck - Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles is a wonderful card to have as the overarching energy. As I mentioned before, the tens in the tarot decks signal completion and achievement. With the earthy pentacles' energy, we're talking about abundance, family, and connection. It aligns beautifully with our current harvest season and some of the astrological transits this month.

Even if you've been experiencing any challenges or setbacks, remember that the universe is working for you - not happening to you. Those incidents were put on your path for a reason, and it was to help you reach this point. The learning opportunities along our way encourage our growth and development.

This is a beautiful time to get back to (or focus on) your gratitude practice. Celebrate the work you've done and enjoy the fruits of your labor. You've created a strong foundation as you move forward.

Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands is encouraging you to accept help from others. The universe has put people in your life to support you, and you're being asked to open yourself up to receive. You can't do everything alone (trust me, I try this route all the time). Be mindful and aware. It's going to be vital that you're able to recognize the help when it presents itself. Know that it's divinely guided, and don't be so stubborn that you miss the opportunity.

Another card of completion, take a moment to recognize your achievements and how far you've come. This is also about acknowledging that additional responsibilities are tied to those accomplishments. With the fire energy, you're excited to keep moving and get to the next step. Still, there's a little apprehensiveness around the weight of the responsibility.

Even though this phase is coming to completion, it doesn't mean that your path is over. It's easy to get caught up in our ambitions and constant need to push forward. We begin to stress out about how we'll ever be able to keep up. That's why the universe is sending helpers to alleviate some of the burdens that come along the way.

For some of you, this is about feeling undervalued in a situation. Someone has not recognized your contributions and how much you've accomplished. Whenever I see this message in a card, it's a reminder that our value is innate. You don't need outside validation. Our mere existence is proof that we are enough, that we provide value, and bring something necessary to this world.

Three of Cups Reversed

This is one of my favorite Tarot cards because it's about celebration and enjoying the company around you. It kind of feels like a party and a hug all at once. So it's one of my favorite cards with it in reverse.

Three of Cups Reversed gives a gentle nudge to align with and become intimately familiar with our essence - who we are and how we feel uplifted and fulfilled. When you get onto your aligned path, we begin to attract the support we need to continue on that path. When you are connected to yourself, it becomes easier to build the right community around you—another reminder to be open to and aware of the divinely-guided support the universe is bringing.

Two of Cups

This is about balance. It's about the ebb and the flow, the push and the pull, the give and the take. Typically a very romantical card, this felt more about our relationship with ourselves. As we move forward on our path, there will always be ups and downs. That's part of the human experience that we all signed up for. It's those ebbs and flows that help us grow.

Maintaining balance in our internal and emotional landscapes will help us continue on the aligned path and invite in that support system to encourage us. We see the culmination of our efforts from the last few months, and the universe and our support circle continue to help us as we move into new cycles.

I pulled a few cards from the Oracle of Mystical Moments deck to confirm the cards that were in the reading.

Bottom of the Deck Energy - Day and Night

Echoing the call for balance and alignment. She has the sun in her hands and the moon behind her, but she's unsure what to do. She inherently knows what to do but is afraid to tap into her intuition. Remember that even when we're in the murky depths and darkness, there's always an inner light guiding us for our highest and greatest good. We possess everything we need if we're willing to trust ourselves and our spirit guides.

Pure Nature

This is confirming the Ten of Pentacles and is a really optimistic card to enhance that energy. You're coming into your own, and it's offering you a fresh perspective on life. The woman depicted here is comfortable in her own skin, she loves her body, and she knows she's beautiful from the inside out. She's encouraging you to step into your own power while offering yourself and others grace. When you respect and honor yourself, it allows others to see your true nature.

The Gift

This card confirming the Three of Cups Reversed invites us to embrace excitement and curiosity for the unknown. There is a kind of magick in our wonder. It's the liminal space between what's about to happen and what we've imagined as the outcome. Hold onto this gift of the unknown and trust that what's next is happening for you. Focus on what could go right.

Tiny Triumphs

Confirming the Two of Cups, we're being reminded to believe in ourselves and trust our internal power. The oversized mouse on the card is holding a tiny eagle -- an interesting juxtaposition. What would traditionally be the prey has tamed the predator. Remember, you have the strength you need and are an incredibly powerful being. I also received a message of being careful of getting trapped in the comparison game. It's so easy to look at what other people are doing and think that you've been outmatched, that you can never get to where so-and-so is. Focus on your own strength, power, and value. What you have inside of you is so powerful, and you are supported in achieving your goals.
