There are three foundational steps to a complete spiritual cleanse - purification, cleansing, and blessing. This ritual can be done as often as you feel necessary. I like doing this each season or during times of transition and transformation.
Read MoreOur homes are sacred—bridging the spiritual and physical worlds. Across cultures, homes have served as a sanctuary and a portal to realms as concrete as the outside world, and as ethereal as other dimensions—places that connected our physical, emotional, and spiritual existence; a safe haven that links us to both our humanity and the divine.
Read MoreWhile most modern witches work closely with the Moon, many of our practices, rituals, and spells incorporate the Sun’s magic. For example, in kitchen witchery, you stir sunwise or sun ways (clockwise, also known as deosil) to infuse your intentions into your creation.
Read MoreAstral projection is an ancient, esoteric practice that allows you to transcend your material body. During this process, you are disconnecting your consciousness from your physical body so that you can travel to places within the earthly world and other realms. I’ve traveled to other countries, connected with spirit guides on the astral plane, visited the past, and seen future events through my travels.
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