Lunar Eclipse Collective Message: Full Moon in Taurus


The partial lunar eclipse on November 19 begins a series of eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio axis that will last almost two years (ending on 10/28/23). With the luxurious, earthy energy of Taurus and the passionate, watery energy of Scorpio. These eclipses will spur changes in areas of our values, material effects, and energetic connections with others. 

The heightened (and usually dramatic) energy fuels shifts in our lives and not-so-gently steers us onto our karmic path. The ultimate every ending has a new beginning energy. These lunation’s also give the most Tower vibes. If there’s something you haven’t dealt with, the eclipse is here to give you a strong push to shed and transform. 

Relationships and people in your life are illuminated by this eclipse, and you may or may not like what you see. Unexpected but necessary change accompanies these events allowing us an opportunity to course-correct our path. Breaking points may happen, but it inspires changes for our greatest good - even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time. 

Below you’ll find a channeled tarot message for the collective about what this lunation has in store for us.

Nine of Cups: You are worthy.

We are reminded that we are worthy of all the love, joy, and abundance this world has to offer. While change can be difficult, it is also beautiful. Can you imagine how much magic is wrapped up in our capacity to continually transform? It’s one of our greatest gifts. Surrendering to the evolution ahead of us opens up doors of possibility that we cannot even begin to fathom.

Nine of Cups invites us to celebrate our blessings and focus on the magic created in every moment of our lives. Perspective is a choice we make each day. Make the choice to savor every simple luxury. Allow yourself to exist in joy and revel in your abundance - in whatever form it takes in your life. Money is nice but we can experience abundance in so many ways. You are worthy of happiness. You deserve all the good that is coming your way.

Often when we shift our outlook, the world begins to alchemize along with us.