Hearth & Hedge is the digital grimoire of High Witch Erin Harker, founder of Magick Makers. Explore practical kitchen witchery, practical magic, and spiritual traditions that welcome both solitary practitioners and community-minded witches. Discover accessible rituals, seasonal celebrations, and magical wisdom that helps you nurture your unique path and create sacred space in everyday life.

Moon Magick, Recipe Erin Harker | The Magick Makers Moon Magick, Recipe Erin Harker | The Magick Makers

Moontails: Virgo Full Moon Ritual + Recipe

Full Moons offer up a sense of balance and a reminder that we need both ends of the spectrum and everything in between, because it highlights the opposite signs of the zodiac wheel. This month we experience the influence of Pisces and Virgo. I particularly love this duo, because it gives all the as above, so below energy reminding us that the connection between our earthly and spiritual bodies is where the true magick happens.

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Moon Magick, Recipe Erin Harker | The Magick Makers Moon Magick, Recipe Erin Harker | The Magick Makers

Moontails: Virgo Full Moon Ritual + Recipe

There's a grounded element to the new moon that was exact early this morning, thanks to the influence of Saturn which is only about 3 degrees away. This also makes me think about the fact that Pisces rules over the feet which is a really lovely reminder to firmly plant your manifestations and dreams in the ground.

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Moon Magick, Recipe Erin Harker | The Magick Makers Moon Magick, Recipe Erin Harker | The Magick Makers

Moontails: Leo Full Moon Ritual + Recipe

With the moon occurring in the sign of Leo (exact at 1:25 PM ET on Sunday, February 5, 2023), it’s time to let your own light shine. Be the most authentic version of yourself. Embrace that confidence and step into the spotlight. With the moon passing through this sun-ruled sign, the universe is giving you a big old invitation to connect who you are at your core with who you show to the rest of the world. 

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