Moontails: Leo Full Moon Ritual + Recipe


Full moons offer us the gift of illumination, revealing soul truths with its shining light. It’s the time when the moon reachers her peak fullness, so we see the culmination of intentions and manifestations along with an opportunity to release those situations that no longer align with our heart making room for new blessings and opportunities to come into our lives.

With the moon occurring in the sign of Leo (exact at 1:25 PM ET on Sunday, February 5, 2023), it’s time to let your own light shine. Be the most authentic version of yourself. Embrace that confidence and step into the spotlight. With the moon passing through this sun-ruled sign, the universe is giving you a big old invitation to connect who you are at your core with who you show to the rest of the world.

There’s a recommitment to bliss with this lunation. What sparks your inner fire? What lights you up? What are you passionate about? What new avenues are you finding to fulfillment? It’s time to shed unrealistic and societal expectations. Allow your heart to light the path that aligns your innermost desires with your external actions.

There’s a t-square between the Sun, Moon, and Uranus occurring at the time of the full moon that’s asking us to lean into the ever-changing and somewhat chaotic energy that Uranus can herald. You may feel called to make drastic changes, take a completely new and unexpected direction, or surprising opportunities may present themselves to you around the time of this moon. This influence also makes it a great time to wrap up or fulfill projects that have been in progress for sometime. It’s best to lean into the chaos and dramatic shifts of this energy - fighting it will likely only wear you our and slow you down.

We’re still feeling the influence of Mars with this lunation as well. You may notice a quickening when it comes to your momentum as its separating from aspects with the sun and moon, trine and sextile respectively. We also have a grand cross occurring with the Sun, Moon, and North and South Nodes. This energy reminds me very much of the Wheel of Fortune in tarot with an invitation to consider the cycles in our lives, the perpetual motion of life’s ups and downs, and the infinite possibilities that are available to us as a result of our cyclic existence.

Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) will feel the most impacted by the energies of the moon phase. Whether it brings breakthroughs or breakdowns to these signs rests in their power and the way they navigate the energies.

The Moontails also got a bit of a refresh, and you can now easily add them into your own spellbook, grimoire, or book of shadows. It includes themes, tarot and journal prompts, the moontail recipe, and more correspondences to help you work with the energy of the moon.

Suggested Rituals & Spell Work

  • Fire Scrying

  • Candle Spells

  • Attraction

  • Heart Healing

  • Road Opening

Crystals, Gems, & Minerals

PERIDOT: This rock is perfect for Leo energy as its born of fire - created in molten rock and brought to the surface by volcanic or earthquake activities. It has ties to royal power, enhances personal radiance, boosts confidence and self-worth, and helps to release feelings of resentment and jealousy.

CITRINE: This stone is basically sunshine in rock form. It helps you attract your desires and wishes towards you making it very helpful for manifestation. It enhances your natural star quality by boosting your wit and charm. It clears blockages, and tempers competitiveness and self-absorption.

AMBER: A powerfully attractive and magnetic fossil that has the ability to magnify all the characterstics that make you especially attractive. It strengthens courage allowing you to be more fully yourself with confidence while helping you remain grounded.

Natural Signs & Symbols

JAGUAR: With a nod to the big cat energy associated with Leo, Jaguar embodies both solar and lunar energy making it an excellent energy to tap into during a Leo moon. Jaguar medicine carries authenticity and empowerment guided by intuition. Connect with this natural ally when you need to tap into the courage to be yourself and are ready to follow a path led by your heart and inner wisdom.

DAHLIA: With their bold, ostentatious, it’s almost impossible to miss these stunners in a crowd of flowers. Much like our show-stopping Leos, they don’t demand the spotlight; it just happens to follow wherever they go. These flowers also prefer to grow alongside other flowers, again, much like Leo preferring to share the spotlight with their circle. Reminding us that when we shine our light, we empower others to ignite their own inner flames.

Herbs & Spices

SAFFRON: desire, happiness, magic, passion, power, strength
GINGER: courage, energy, power, prosperity, release, wealth
CINNAMON: attraction, authority, creativity, desire, passion, strength, success


Erin Harker (she/her) is a hedge witch who delights in the magick of hearth and home. She believes in a world filled with wonder and that there's magick in each of us and everything we do - even our simple, everyday tasks.

Despite working with tarot and witchcraft for over 25 years, she only recently came out of the broom closet when she launched The Magick Makers in early 2020. 

Based in Durham, North Carolina, this charmed space is a witch shop and community where modern witches and craft-curious folks can inspire and supply their everyday magick. She is also the author of SPELLbook, a seasonal publication and upcoming book, and the fairy godmother behind, Kindred Club.

As she continues to explore her ancestral roots and identity, she’s found a passion for self-discovery through hearthcraft, tarot, symbology, and other esoteric practices.


Witches Who Brunch Pop-Up Party


Moontails: Aquarius New Moon Ritual + Recipe