September Symboscopes


Introducing a new kind of horoscope. These scopes marry a love for all things signs and symbols with divination. Each month, I meditate to receive a symbol for the different signs of the zodiac. Below you’ll find messages and insights to help guide you through that season based on the symbol that comes through. Check out the scopes for your sun, moon, and rising placements.

Purchase a 28-page Extended Symboscopes Book in the shop or join our Patreon community for rituals and prompts that correspond to your respective symbols.



Dragonfly. Dragonfly invites you to leave behind your illusions this month. If you are ready to release limiting beliefs, a new beginning waits for you on the other side. As you remove self-doubt, you begin a journey of self-discovery. No longer tied down by what you "can't do," you uncover new abilities by revealing your true self.

Incredibly efficient, Dragonfly offers gifts of power and poise as you embark on your next chapter. There is simplicity and effectiveness in the way they can fly in multiple directions with much less effort than some of their kindred creatures.

Remain aware and present as you move through the month. Dragonfly teaches you to live in the moment. Don't be overwhelmed by what has been and what will be. Instead, spend your time focused on what is in the here and now.

Mantra: I powerfully step into my true nature with poise and grace.


Hawk. Hawk is the messenger of the spirit world. You possess a deep and powerful connection to the otherworlds this month. You'll notice a heightened ability to channel messages and communicate with members of the spirit world. It's an excellent time to begin exploring different forms of divination to enhance your conversations with the other side.

Hawk also brings gifts of perspective as they fly high above the world. Are you taking in the whole picture of the situations around you? Be careful not to get caught up in the minutia and minor details. Hawk invites you to take a step back and look at how your actions today help you towards your destination. Your ability to see clearly boosts your focus. Allow this clarity to guide your actions.

Mantra: I possess the gift of vision. I am connected.


Serpent. This month brings healing to your word. One of the most ancient and powerful symbols, Serpent, offers rebirth as you shed old versions of yourself and welcome in the new. There is potent medicine in your capacity to release outdated forms and welcome your transformation.

You may find yourself feeling a strong connection to the divine. An expanded sense of creativity and wisdom are flowing into your life as you learn to embrace the changes within. Look to Mother Nature to ground and fuel you during this transition. Spend time outside intoxicated by the divinity that surrounds you.

Mantra: As I shed and transform, I deepen my divine connection.


Sunset. Sunset ushers in the close of a chapter this month. The warmth of the setting sun speaks of a happy ending. One that you are ready for and proud of. You've reached a significant milestone and are ready to bask in your accomplishments. Spend time this month reflecting on how far you've come and how much you've achieved during this cycle.

A veil of magick and mystery accompanies the setting sun each day. There's a promise of the unknown as the day fades into darkness. Reminding you of the beautiful balance and relationship between light and dark. One cannot exist without the other, and your world, your self, becomes whole when you embrace each of them.

Mantra: I celebrate my journey and welcome what’s to come.


Cave. You're entering a period of initiation as you journey inwards exploring your depths and shadows. The Cave can represent the symbolic heart - a space where the self and ego become one. There are truths to be uncovered within yourself as you explore the secret passageways of your soul.

When you travel to your darkest parts, you are able to bring them into the light. Cave offers you protection and shelter over the course of your journey allowing you to explore the pieces of yourself usually hidden in the subconscious mind. Tap into your emotional and spiritual side to assist you in this work, and trust that there is a treasure to be found at the end of your passage.

Mantra: My enlightenment is harvested from my shadows.


Moss. If you've had an idea or concept, this is time to nurture it yourself. Keep it close to your heart, and don't share it with others until you're ready. Not because you can't trust people, but because some things need a safe place to mature before they're ready to go out into the world. Moss reminds you to have patience during the gestation phase. Allow your idea the time it needs to fully form before the outside world influences it.

A similar approach can be applied to yourself this month. Give yourself grace and trust in the process of unfolding. There is a soft, nourishing energy to Moss, and this month asks you to apply that same gentle energy to yourself.

Be open to receiving support and nurturing. Only in receiving are you able to give, and vice versa. Mosses are like little sponges. They help to soak up excess water from rainfall and maintain humidity that allows other plants around them to thrive. They are the embodiment of only being able to pour from a full cup. Spend time filling your cup this month so that you can share with others in the future.

Mantra: I am receptive to the support that surrounds me.


Fox. Adaptability serves you well this month. Fox is a master shapeshifter with the ability to adjust to their surroundings, blend in when necessary, and stand out when the time comes.

Keep an open mind and be curious. As you explore and become more granularly aware of your surroundings, you'll find new wisdom. Stay on your toes this month. Your newfound understanding and ability to think fast help you move strategically through situations.

Fox also offers a heavy dose of mysticism and magick. Have you been spending enough time connecting with your spirituality? September is a great time to get back in touch with your spiritual side.

Mantra: I remain flexible and curious.


Chalice. Break free from the systems and doctrines that bind you. The Chalice invites you to trust your own divinity. In freeing yourself, you allow your empathetic and compassionate nature to come forward. You are better able to receive and share blessings with others from this space.

Chalice is welcoming you into your native water element this month. Asking you to work with your intuition and subconscious to support your healing. Whenever we break free from something, there's a necessary period of adjustment and recovery. Luckily with the element of water at your side, you're able to adapt and flow with ease.

Mantra: My liberation is fluid and free flowing.


Evil Eye. The Evil Eye represents both the curse and the protection against the curse that is usually fueled by envy. When you find success, there may be some around you who are threatened or jealous. There's a reminder present here to stay true to your path. Don't waste your energy on what others think or say about you. Any negativity will be returned to its creator.

Your own power is not to be overlooked this month. Eyes are powerful and significant in their own right - the windows into the soul. Keep your focus on what you want to manifest, and leave the haters to their own demise.

Mantra: There is power in my gaze and protection in my steps.


Skeleton Key. You hold a key that offers access that is uniquely yours. There is a symbolic opening happening this month, unlocking wonderful opportunities in all areas of your life. You have a chance to remove obstacles that have been blocking your way and pass into a new realm of existence.

What secrets are you uncovering this month? With the Skeleton Key as your symbol, you may find a connection with the liminal spaces and spiritual realms. As you pull back the veil, ancient wisdom and secrets will be revealed.

The Skeleton Key symbol is one of those delightfully ambiguous messages. As much as the key opens up doors, it also locks doors. You have the power to determine who has access to you and who does not. There is freedom and liberation in holding your boundaries. Often when you close a door behind you, you'll find another waiting to be opened just ahead.

Mantra: I unlock the doors of possibility.


Chicory. Give yourself the necessary room to grow. Chicory is one of those wonderful plants that grow in disturbed areas (waste areas created from wildfire, flood, or human bull-dozing/development). You'll find them along roads and pathways, and they're often one of the first plants to show up in bare soil. It's time to clear away any clutter - mental or physical - to give yourself the open space you need to blossom.

Chicory also invites you to connect and fall back in love with your higher self this month. That rekindled connection will fuel your continued growth. The Chicory flowers only open in the morning when it's sunny, and you'll notice that the flowers always face the sun. This represents your soul's love for your higher self. Tap into that warm, loving energy.

Mantra: I bloom wild and free.


Marigold. Time to tap into your inner light. Marigold fuels your creativity and passion this month. There is a potential within you shining brightly that wants to be released into the world.

Your inner fire burns away pieces of you that have been holding you back. While this may feel like a loss of sorts, know that it leads to blessings. Allow yourself the space to grieve the former versions of yourself, so that you can rise anew. Embrace the sacred cycles of life and death in all their forms. Trust in yourself and connect with your ancestors for additional support.

Mantra: Creativity and passion fuel my inner light.