Hindsight Workbook 2022


A guide to looking back so you can move forward with purpose.

At different times in my life, I’ve found that specific seasons speak to me more than others. With a natal chart ruled by the sun, summer has been a longstanding fave but winter holds so much magick if we’re willing to slow down to see it.

And for my fellow solar witches, there’s plenty of sun magick to be found during this dark half of the year. In pagan traditions, the solstice was a time to celebrate the return of the Sun (sounds pretty familiar to another tradition’s story about this time of year). The truth is that so many of our cultures and traditions are, at the very least, interwoven in their themes. This time of year most holidays celebrate the light, because it offers us glimmers of hope during the cold months for warmer seasons ahead.

It also allows us to illuminate truths that we need to see in our lives and in ourselves making it a beautiful time for a bit of self-reflection. As we take a look back on what 2022 held for us, the ups, the downs, and the in-betweens, we can uncover wisdom that helps to guide us on our year ahead.

As (one of) my end of year gifts to all of you, the Hindsight 2022 workbook is ready to download for free with plenty of prompts to help you explore the lessons and opportunities 2022 held for you.


I’d love to hear your thoughts, your celebrations, and your lessons that come through as you make your way through the prompts. Feel free to share in the comments here.


Erin Harker (she/her) is a hedge witch who delights in the magick of hearth and home. She believes in a world filled with wonder and that there's magick in each of us and everything we do - even our simple, everyday tasks.

Despite working with tarot and witchcraft for over 25 years, she only recently came out of the broom closet when she launched The Magick Makers in early 2020. 

Based in Durham, North Carolina, this charmed space is a witch shop and community where modern witches and craft-curious folks can inspire and supply their everyday magick. She is also the author of SPELLbook, a seasonal publication and upcoming book, and the fairy godmother behind, Kindred Club.

As she continues to explore her ancestral roots and identity, she’s found a passion for self-discovery through hearthcraft, tarot, symbology, and other esoteric practices.