The Lovers Tarot Year Finale - Ritual & Release


Each year corresponding cards from the Major Arcana offer insights for collective paradigms and what energy the year holds.

We’re currently closing out the year of The Lovers (2+0+2+2=6) and The Devil (1+5=6), and the astrological transits this month are offering a healthy dose of support as this cycle comes to a close.

The Lovers corresponds to the zodiac sign of Gemini, and we’ll have a full moon in this sign later this week on 12/7 (or 12/8 depending on where you are). Going beyond a purely romantic sense of love, The Lovers invites us to reconnect with all aspects of our self as we establish (or re-establish) what's important to us as we lay the final foundations to forge ahead in the new year. 

Many of us have been presented with choices this year that have and will require us to be raw in our honesty about who we are and who we want to become. ⁠This week’s full moon in Gemini supports that same energy with its mercurial influence as the sword of truth. Mercury rules over our thoughts, communication, and perceptions. This lunation asks if you like what you perceive in yourself. If you don’t, where is there a call to change and where is there a call to acceptance?

Speaking of Mercury, the planet moves into the sign of Capricorn today (12/6/22), the zodiac sign that corresponds to The Devil card. Between this transit and the upcoming Mars Rx in Gemini cozying up to the full moon in the same sign, we’re invited to explore our boundaries, how we hold the important ones, and how we push past the boundaries that are no longer relevant. Again the influence of the twins asks to explore the idea of balance and flexibility as we explore what we’ve held to be true up to this point. What do we want to carry with us? What do we want to release?

When you move beyond the typical divinatory meaning of The Devil, there are gifts of liberation, personal empowerment, and spiritual awakening. This combination is a perfect storm for wading into our depths to find ways of accepting ourselves more wholly - both our shadow and our light.

We’ll see the energies of Capricorn again at the end of the month with a new moon in the sign closing out the year which will offer up stability and structure as we set our vision for the year ahead.

While it may not always be easy, the energy of this year’s finale is filled with breakthroughs and deep connection.

Special Shout Out

I’m squarely in the early stages of my exploration of astrology which I was extremely resistant to initially. I’ve been lucky to have a few persistent, patient, and inspiring friends who have guided me along this journey so far and taught me so much about the wisdom the stars hold. Be sure to check them out for deeper astrological insights.

Amanda Hansen

Marion Kirk

Anthony Perrotta


Erin Harker (she/her) is a hedge witch who delights in the magick of hearth and home. She believes in a world filled with wonder and that there's magick in each of us and everything we do - even our simple, everyday tasks.

Despite working with tarot and witchcraft for over 25 years, she only recently came out of the broom closet when she launched The Magick Makers in early 2020. 

Based in Durham, North Carolina, this charmed space is a witch shop and community where modern witches and craft-curious folks can inspire and supply their everyday magick. She is also the author of SPELLbook, a seasonal publication and upcoming book, and the fairy godmother behind, Kindred Club.

As she continues to explore my ancestral roots and identity, she’s found a passion for self-discovery through hearthcraft, tarot, symbology, and other esoteric practices.


Hindsight Workbook 2022


Moontails: Pisces Full Moon