Magick Makers

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Lucid Dream Ritual

Sleep is a liminal space that allows us to spend time in between the worlds. Lucid dreaming is a great practice to begin to strengthen your connection to other worlds. Consistency and intention are the key ingredients for this spellwork. The more you practice lucid dreaming the better will you become at tapping into this altered state.

I suggest beginning this 3-day ritual on a Monday to tap into the power of the moon and your own spiritual powers.

Healthy sleep routines are crucial to lucid dreaming.

No screen time for at least an hour before bed. If you’d like to use your dream steam as a tea as well, prepare this about an hour before bed. Add some honey or maple syrup to help cut the bitterness of the herbs.

Prepare yourself and your space.

Use a botanical wand, incense, sound, or spray to cleanse yourself and your space. If using a wand, hold the wand at a 45-degree angle up while lighting to help it catch better. Use a small dish or mug to catch any flying embers and ashes. You can also cleanse yourself and your space with a spiritual bath or shower. Place a journal and a pen by your bed. 

Prepare a spell candle.

You’ll need a carrier oil like olive or almond or even canola oil. Rub the oil on your candle from the top down and bottom up meeting in the middle. You can crumble some of your incense/wand or use a pinch of the herbs from your dream steam to dress the candle. Simply press the crushed herbs onto the candle. 

As you prepare the candle, focus your intentions and ask your guides for their assistance. Would you like to connect with your animal or spirit guides in your dream? Would you like clarity around a specific situation? Focus on your intent. If you’re just beginning, you may want to solely focus on being able to recall your dreams when you wake. 

Prepare your dream steam.

Boil some water and pour it over 2-3 Tablespoons of your Lucid Dream Steam. Allowing the water to cool ever so slightly as to not burn your face. Drape a towel over your head and the bowl, keep your face 12-18 inches above the water, and allow it to steam your face for 10-20 minutes.

While you steam your face, continue focusing your intentions. Thank Spirit or your guides for their assistance. If you have specific questions, begin thinking on these and ask to receive messages in your dreams.

Light your spell candle.

Place your prepared candle in a bowl or shallow dish with water. This is both for safety and for connection to spirit through the element of water. Light your candle. Focus on the flame as you meditate and practice some deep breathing to clear your mind. It is best to leave the candle burn all the way down in one sitting, but you can snuff the flame out and repeat on subsequent nights if you don’t want to leave the candle burning while you sleep.

Prepare for sleep.

As you lay down to sleep, be aware of the darkness behind your eyes with them closed. Continue to observe how your feeling and any images or visualizations as you drift off to sleep. Remaining calm and relaxed is the key to opening yourself up to a lucid dream state. Maintain your awareness by saying in your mind “I’m dreaming.” This will help you recognize when you’re dreaming and when you’re awake. 

Capture any messages that come through.

As soon as you wake, grab your pen and journal and jot down everything you can remember from your dreams - colors, the environment/location, feelings, moods, words, time of day, people, animals, symbols, etc. It’s especially illuminating to look back on your messages after a few days to see what themes and connections exist.

Always, always drink plenty of water when you’re doing any kind of spellwork as this will help you connect with spirit and balance your energy.