Moontails: Virgo New Moon


This new moon is spicy, so we’re channeling all the big, earthy Virgo energy we can in this month’s ritual.


What to Expect from the Virgo New Moon

The energies around this particular new moon has the potential to kick our butts a bit, so do your best to remain flexible as you navigate these energies. We have Mars squaring off with the sun and the moon which is creating some tension. People might be getting on your nerves or you may just lack the patience to deal with nonsense < insert your personal definition of nonsense. It can also stir up some egocentric energy, so you may find yourself and others more easily triggered and reactive in situations. On the impulsive side of Mars, you may feel an urge to rush into action. Instead of chasing every idea that comes to mind, make yourself a list and give yourself time to fully process your ideas. It’s a better time for planning than implementation and new starts.

Do your best to be gentle with yourself. If you feel yourself pulled to react impulsively to anything during this time frame, take a beat. Take a deep breath. Give yourself space to explore your reaction and what it’s rooted in. Maybe even sleep on what you want to do/say, and wait to take the action or say the thing for a couple of days.

Tap into the balanced nature of the new moon phase where we have the Sun and Moon lining up together harmoniously in the grounded, practical sign of Virgo. Do what you can to align with these energies to ride the spicy waves of the Mars square. Virgo invites us to take stock of our lives, what’s working for us, what’s not, and where we can create a bit more stability through routines and rituals.

We’re also being asked to release any limitations and fears that have been keeping us trapped. With the analytical influence of Virgo, make sure you take the time to explore where these fears are rooted, how they came to be, and how you can move through them.

Venus is also experiencing some less than desirable positioning with Saturn and Uranus that may test the stability of our relationships with others, and asks us to take a look at how we recognize and honor our worth within our relationships. Another area where our patience and compassion may be tested by the current transits. This can also impact our finances, so it could be a great time for budgeting and taking a look at how you’re using your materials resources.

Saturn and Uranus are also doing a little dance right now that’s giving a lot of push and pull around changes in our lives. You may be eager for changes in your life (Uranus), but it ends up feeling a bit like trying to walk through glue (Saturn). The good news is that they’ve been doing this dance for sometime now, so it’s not new energy for us to navigate. However, that push and pull can bring about feelings of frustration and isolation. It also has the potential to bring in some changes that you didn’t want, so it’s going to be important to remain as flexible as you can. Sometimes circumstances are completely out of our control, and occasionally they’re out of our control and we never see them coming. Either way, we’re given a beautiful opportunity to learn and grow through these changes if we remain adaptable.

Again, do what you can to take a pause, assess, and plan but hold off on setting intentions or taking actions. Leave yourself the wiggle room you need to adjust to things that might pop up. Try to go easy on the expectations and understand that things may take a little longer or a different route than you had originally planned. Look for ways to turn your challenges into new opportunities if you have it in you.

Virgo New Moon Themes

Here’s what to focus on during this lunar phase:

  • Tend to yourself - especially your physical body and overall well-being.

  • Practice grounding exercises - meditate, spend time in nature, breath work.

  • Make time for rest and get a good night’s sleep - great energy for recommitting to rituals and routines.

  • Clear and cleanse literally and metaphorically to create space for fresh energies.

  • Recognize and honor the value you bring to your relationships.

  • Get strategic and make plans - but wait to act on them.

  • Remain open to unexpected possibilities and paths - there are many different ways to reach the same destination. Adapt.

  • Watch out for misunderstandings with others, and take extra protective measures to keep yourself safe and secure.

Shout out to Amanda Hansen for fact checking my astrology!

Virgo New Moon Correspondences




Virgo New Moon Ritual

This New Moon Ritual uses all of the goodies included in our Moontails Ritual Kit for this lunation. Missed out on the kit? No problem! You can use the links below to purchase the individual baths, essences, oils, and herbal blends.

For this ritual, we’re really focusing on giving ourselves a little TLC with supportive, grounding herbs that bring us back to our bodies and offer a bit of spiritual and sleep hygiene. If some of these practices feel good, you can use the energy of this new moon to add them to your regular nighttime routines.

I’d encourage you to turn off your electronics 30-45 minutes before you begin your ritual to give yourself some time to disconnect from the world. This also does wonders for your sleep patterns.

If you’d like, you can make yourself the Fennel Fizz from the download below to sip and enjoy during your ritual for an added dose of Virgo energy.

Begin the ritual with your Kindred Hearth bath. This allows you to cleanse your energy and enter the ritual from a balanced state. With rosemary, pine, and cedar, this bath is my go-to for a good spiritual cleanse and healthy dose of protective energy. It also offers the kind of clarity and logic that Virgo’s are known for and will help you navigate some of the trickier energies around this new moon.

As you soak in the bath take some of the water and pour it over all parts of your body including your head. Imagine it clearing your energy as it washes over your skin and a golden light enveloping your body. When you’re ready drain the tub and imagine the water carrying away any negativity and stagnant energies.

No tub? Brew your soak like you would a tea, and pour it over yourself why you stand in the shower. You can even make your own room spray using the same method, strain out the herbs after it’s steeped, and create a 1:1 blend of the bath tea and vodka (used as a preservative). Place in a spray bottle and you can use to cleanse yourself and your space.

After your bath, prepare your Sweet Dream Steam by putting about 1 Tbsp into a large bowl and boiling some water. When the water boils, pour it over the herbs in your bowl. Cover the bowl and allow it to steep for 5-10 minutes. Once it’s cooled to a point that it’s comfortable, hold your head about 18-20 inches above the bowl and drape a towel over your head covering you and the bowl. I usually steam my face for 10 minutes and take breaks as I need to for some fresh air. The lavender, chamomile, and marjoram in this blend will offer calming, soothing support for a healthy and restful sleep. This is a great time to set some intentions on remaining balanced and open to the fresh energies and changes coming into your life during the upcoming cycle.

*Note: Facial steams shouldn’t be done more than once a week. Sweet is also delicious as a tea. Use 1-2 tsp per cup of water to yourself a cup of nighttime tea.

Make yourself a cozy, sacred space where you can get comfortable - this can even be outside if you have access to quiet, outdoor space. Place a few drops of the Windflower Essence and a few drops of the Radical Love Ritual Oil in the palms of your hands and rub them together. Rub your hands along your shoulders, the top of your head, forehead, and heart center. You may want to recite the affirmations (in the kit and the download below) as you do this as you offer yourself security, stability, and acceptance.

Allow yourself to sit or lie down comfortably in the space you created and focus on the support of the ground below you and your connectedness to the earth as you practice some deep breathing. Go through the process of a body scan and relax each part of your body. Imagine that your body is sending roots into the earth and you can feel the energy of the earth below you and your energy connecting and flowing through you both in a cyclical motion. Feel the support, stability, and cleansing of this energetic flow. When you’re ready feel your energy, grounded and refreshed, returning to you before you softly blink your eyes open.

If you prefer a guided meditation, you can give this one a go.

Take a few moments to write down any insights or messages that may have come through during ritual. Thank the elements for supporting your ritual, and close out your ritual. You should be feeling very relaxed and grounded as you head off to sleep.

Moontails: Virgo New Moon Guide

Want some more ways to work with the new moon? Or maybe you prefer a pretty, downloadable guide to work with during the new moon? I’ve got you covered. Hit the button below to get your free PDF of this Moontails Guide.

In this guide you’ll find a Fennel Fizz Recipe (think fancy spa water), the ritual above, and a tarot spread.

Be sure to check back for the next Moontails in early September for the Pisces Full Moon. You’ll also be able to grab a Moontails Ritual Kit including all the goodies you need for the suggested ritual like crystals, herbs, baths, and more.