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Crossroads 2025

This annual retreat guides you through the shift from one year to the next, offering space to deepen your connection with yourself and your life's path. Using insights from tarot, numerology, and astrology, you'll uncover universal wisdom to help you navigate the year ahead with clarity and intention.


Knowing yourself is one path.

Knowing the collective is another.

We’ll meet them both at the crossroads.

After spending a holiday season focused on others and the outside world, the transition from one year to the next invites you to slow down, turn inward, and tend to self.

  • Do you find yourself rushing from year to year without the time and space to honor the shift and your personal transformations?

  • Have you been following one path but are feeling called to set forth on a different, more aligned path?

  • Maybe you know what you want but are unsure how to move in the direction of your desires?

  • Are you looking to reconnect with who you are and where you’re headed at a soul level?

Crossroads unlocks universal wisdom and your inherent magic.


Each year, we’re presented with fresh energy and new opportunities. There’s also a healthy dose of uncertainty about what the new year holds for us.

Imagine heading into the new year with a deeper sense of clarity and awareness about who you are, what you want, and where you’re headed. Self-awareness and self-reflection are forms of self-care. These practices gift you the opportunity to orient, ground, and center yourself, so you feel supported in your continued evolution. Similarly, the Crossroads Retreat & Planner offer you a supportive space to honor how far you’ve come and to tap into your inner source of wisdom and light.

This retreat is for you if:

  • You’re ready to further your personal development by unraveling universal patterns and your soul’s code.

  • You want to explore your idea of self and how you express it in the physical world.

  • You’re ready to pursue a path filled with meaning for you in 2025.

  • You want time to clear your mind, so you can determine what it is that you want for yourself this year.

  • You’re ready to get clear on your vision, so you can make informed decisions about your path ahead.

  • You want to connect with the energy that surrounds you and flows through you.

You can make the most of this magical time at the crossroads by embracing your whole self in powerful ways. Are you ready to unlock the clues held within your soul?

During the Crossroads Retreat, you will:

  • Have an opportunity to clear your energetic space for new beginnings and opportunities to emerge.

  • Deepen your understanding of your strengths and aspects of yourself that need support.

  • Reflect on your journey, honor your achievements, and tune into your spiritual lessons.

  • Gain tools and wisdom to help you navigate the opportunities and potential that 2025 holds.

  • Become confident that you are in the right place, doing the right thing, and achieving what you envisioned.

  • Uncover where you might feel stuck and gain new strategies to help you shift your course.

  • Have a better understanding of what’s important to you and what doesn’t align with your future path.

  • Be supported to own your inherent wisdom, strength, and power as you move through the new year.

Through exploring your individual energies and how they are supported by the collective energies, you’ll clearly see your path forward.

With your newfound wisdom and sense of self, you’ll be ready to release any lingering fears or anxieties about what may or may not happen over the course of the year. You’ll realize what lies ahead is new experiences, personal growth, development, and adventure. When we are able to surrender to the unknown, we become more open to the experiences and lessons available to us.

As you embrace yourself fully, you can create a year filled with balance, harmony, and compassion. This time to tend to yourself allows you to become more engaged and intentional with how you move through your year. Move through your 2025 with support, focus, and acceptance.


reviews from other workshops

There are few people I would trust to lead me through such a journey. I feel so fortunate to have found one in Erin Harker. Cannot recommend highly enough. A beautiful experience. - Jeneen P

The Unveiled Collective Journey was a life changing workshop. Erin made me feel comfortable and took the time to explain everything about the process. I received a copy of the journey and can't wait to use the guided meditation again. I am looking forward to more workshops with the magick makers. - Pam B


 Shall we meet at the crossroads?

Join us in January for a gentle weekend retreat to welcome the new year and embrace your most aligned path.


Sacred Patterns + You

New format for 2025

This year’s retreat will include live sessions, a printed planner, and four seasonal check-ins. Check back for more details soon.


About Your Host

Hey! Hi! Hello! I’m Erin Harker, the resident witch and fairy godmother, here at The Magick Makers. I’ve been working with tarot since I was 13, and even after 28 years, I will always consider myself a student of this craft. I’m continually discovering new meanings and messages within the cards.

Through these workshops, I’m hoping to share a bit of that sense of wonder and a lifetime of discovery through the wisdom of the Tarot, Numerology, and collective symbols. I believe they’re very much a map for self-discovery and awareness - helping us learn to accept all facets of our self.

I’ve led workshops, webinars, and spoken to groups of 3-100+ over the past 10+ years. I love sharing what I’ve learned with others in the hopes of sparking some continued inspiration and empowering you to tap into your own magick.