Supernatural Sundays

A Psychic AffAir & Healers Market in Downtown Durham

Join us for an enchanted afternoon of readings and healings to rejuvenate your spirits while you connect with fellow spiritualists and witches from the community.

Where: Weldon Mills Distillery at 300 E Main Street, Durham, NC 27701

When: Sunday, May 19 12:00 - 6:00 PM

What: A psychic affair and healers market with 10+ tarot readers, healers, food, and drink!

Parking: The Church Street Parking Garage and Parrish Street Parking Lots are within 2 blocks of the distillery. There’s also plenty of street parking. Lots, garages, and street parking are all free on the weekends in Durham.

The markets are free to attend and open to the public.

Check back soon for our lineup of readers, healers, and psychic services. Would you like to participate as a reader or healer? Click here to apply.